A few people can say they had a childhood stardom and could reinvent themselves as they grow up – with success and maturity. Our special guest today, Presley Tennant is one of them. You may remember her from the stadiums, the Musical.ly Star, The Voice USA, and you may have already connected to her via Tik-Tok or other platforms. She is real and has artistic integrity. We had the time for a longer, in-depth interview talking about her new path in music, growing up in front of her audience, her social consciousness to take responsibility for vulnarable youth, and some fun. So, take your time with her music and thoughts!

And while you are at it, listen to Presley Tennant‘s Always You, it’s simply just great:

Music Authentic: Welcome to Music Authentic! Let’s start with our site traditional question: How did you sleep last night?

Presley Tennant: I slept really well! I’m a pretty heavy sleeper so it takes a lot for me to not sleep well!

Music Authentic: When did you last have time to cook?

Presley Tennant: The last time I had time to cook was a few weeks ago. I’ve been in Nashville for a period of time and was working all day so I didn’t have too much time.

Music Authentic: I’ve just watched a concert with you, singing “Temporary”. It feels you really can connect with the audience. What is your secret?

Presley Tennant: When I perform, I feel free. Nothing can hold me back, anything I may be worried about or that’s on my mind just slips away for that time and I’m able to hone in on my feelings during that song or what the energy is like. The best part about performing is getting to share moments with those in the crowd and to take it all in.

Music Authentic: You started as a young girl, now you are a young lady. Throughout the years you have sung so many different styles and songs. Is country your true niche where you feel yourself complete and home or is it a transition to something different?

Presley Tennant: This is a great question and I’m really glad you asked this. I 1000% feel like country is my home and I have found who I am as an artist. I come from a small town called Norco, also known as Horsetown U.S.A, and have always had a love and surrounded by country music, so that’s always been a part of me. However when I first started singing, I was introduced into the pop world and continued with it because that’s all I really knew industry wise. Little by little and as I got older, then I started to feel like I wasn’t myself and felt like I was being influenced to be something I’m not, so as soon as I took a step into the country music industry, I knew that this is exactly where I’m supposed to be and I feel like i’m home.

Music Authentic: You were a Tik-Tok star before it was named. I’m curious, what did it mean in your everyday life to become a Musical.ly Star?

Presley Tennant: It was the coolest thing ever as a 12-year old. I had a little bit of popularity while I was still living my life kid and not having to worry about anything except for having fun while doing it.

Music Authentic: Now life is different all over the world. How do you cope when gigs are scarce?

Presley Tennant: Once shows started to come to a halt, I found myself writing so much music. Don’t get me wrong, I wrote quite frequently beforehand, but after shows really started to slow down I was writing SO much more.

Music Authentic: Did the lockdowns, restrictions, pandemic news take a toll on your health? How do you stay optimistic and positive?

Presley Tennant 2Presley Tennant: During all the lockdowns of the pandemic, I stayed positive by going out and hiking, getting more and more in tune with my artistry by doing all the back end work of my craft.

Music Authentic: You are a proud ambassador for the S.O.S. Foundation. What is your work there to reach the at-risk young ones, practically in your age?

Presley Tennant: The S.O.S. Foundation is an incredible organization created to help at-risk youth who may be going through things such as bullying, peer pressure, anxiety, depression, etc. We want to be the outlet to let people know that they are not alone and that they have a voice. We are a donation basis only and raise money through auctions to help send youth to therapy. For every $500 dollars we pay for therapy sessions in one’s area with the ultimate goal to save a life.

Music Authentic: Do you think songs still can heal or everything is about algorithms and the next hype?

Presley Tennant: I feel like there is a way to do all of the above and that’s to make songs that people need to hear, want to hear, and something they haven’t heard yet.

Music Authentic: In almost every field, humans are being replaced with Machine Learning and AIs; there are more and more songs written by computers. Will songwriters, singers, bands be replaced, too?

Presley Tennant: I don’t think songwriters, singers, bands, etc will ever be replaced. There’s something so magical about people connecting to eachother through music. I feel like the emotions will never fade away.

Music Authentic: Let’s have some funny questions. Elon Musk plans to resettle one million people to Mars by 2050. Will you be one of them?

Presley Tennant: Unless I can go to the beach, the lake and off-roading on mars, then I will stay on earth haha!

Music Authentic: If you had a chance to choose, what superpower would you opt for?

Presley Tennant: I would choose a superpower like to fly or teleport. I live in California and let me just tell you that traffic is not a fun car ride when you only have to go three miles but it’s gonna take you thirty minutes.

Music Authentic: You are entering a café, Paul McCartney, Elton John, Bon Jovi and Andrew Lloyd Webber are sitting at different tables. With whom of them would you have a tea/cappuccino?

Presley Tennant: Bon Jovi, hands down. I grew up on Bon Jovi music so I feel like that’s a no brainer.

Music Authentic: “Always You” or “Me and You”?

Presley Tennant: “Always You”. I feel like it’s more current to who I am and loved the writing process of the song.

Music Authentic: A new single is coming, what can you tell me about it? Will it be a love song?

Presley Tennant: I’m so excited to release “Bite the Bullet”. This song is like my baby and has a different energy from the songs I’ve already released. It’s super upbeat and catchy and just kinda tells someone to quit hesitating and get to the point. It comes out April 12th!

Music Authentic: These days trends are so quickly shifting from one to another. What do you suggest to those who decide to become artists, songwriters?

Presley Tennant: Just stay true to yourself while still listening to the outside influences, but if you feel like you’re drifting away from your artistry then take a step back to find yourself again.

Music Authentic: What were the largest obstacles in your career?

Presley Tennant: I feel like the largest obstacle in my career has been my age. I’m only 18 years old and when I was younger it was even harder because of the fact that many didn’t take me seriously and thought that I didn’t know what I wanted or I didn’t know who I was. Soon after once I started to really work with different producers and writers, I got to prove to them that I do know what I want and I know exactly who I am. Through those obstacles, I was fortunate enough to have met my amazing team who have believed in me every step of the way.

Music Authentic: You’ve been on stage, you’ve been on live TV shows, what’s next? A movie?

Presley Tennant: I would love to be in a movie at some point in my life haha but I don’t see it happening anytime in the foreseeable future so as of right now I am working on an album that y’all can expect later this year.

Music Authentic: At last but not least, please, say a few encouraging words for the readers and your fans.

Presley Tennant: Thank you so much to those who have stuck by me on my journey and for being so supportive. It means the absolute world to know that I receive so much support and people genuinely love the music I make. Without any of that, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Music Authentic: Thank you for taking the time and all the happiest and healthiest!


Say Hello to Presley Tennant and follow her on:

Her website: www.presleytennant.com







A love song, Me and You from Presley Tennant is a great takeaway while her new single debuts:

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