SteezyLaFlame‘s brand new, latin hip-hop EP, the romantic and hot “King of Demons” gave us a chance to have an extended talk about his music and thoughts on life.

And while you are reading it, listen to SteezyLaFlame‘s great “Obsesionado”:

Music Authentic: Welcome to Music Authentic! Let’s begin with our site-traditional question: How did you sleep last night?

SteezyLaFlame: Thanks for having me! Honestly I slept pretty good last night, I was with someone who I haven’t seen in a while and we had a really great time together.

Music Authentic: You’ve just released a brand new EP, “King of the Demons” – pretty dark title. Why did you choose this as a title?

SteezyLaFlame: Growing up these past few years I’ve noticed myself changing in a lot of different ways, and I always knew that I’d be the outcast in everyone’s life. King of the Demons Represents me and how much i’ve gone through to get where I am now. In a way, the negativity that I’ve gone through in my life shaped me to who I am today, and I’m not the bright and happy kid I used to he anymore. I wanted everybody to know that I’m different now, evolved. King of Demons.

Music Authentic: You wrote “Recuerdos”, a bilingual love song and it looks people respond to it well. It has a good soundscape. And we can say this to your whole EP: very atmospheric. “Sin Ti” sounds like the second part of the first song. How intentional was this and who is the muse behind?

SteezyLaFlame: “Sin Ti” is a lot of my fans’ favorite song, so I created Recuerdos as a following love story for it. I was remembering my ex and how much we used to love one another like no one else did. I created the lyrics and created the song from my room. I woke up one day like I really want to release more spanish music, but this time let’s continue the story.

Music Authentic: “Intense Feelings” is more of a love confession, rare honesty in the words. These days this artistic “nakedness” is unusual. As a pair, “Watchin’” is also rather pure storytelling, feel a real life story. Is it? Do you think you’ll perform these song live?

SteezyLaFlame: Yea definitely, In this EP I wanted to go deeper into my life and execute story telling type songs, and I think “ Watchin” is one of my favorites. I would love to perform these songs and knowing my fanbase we’d get moshpits going.

Music Authentic: “Obsesionado” is the end frame of your new album, also bilingual. Maybe this is the most club song, one people could dance for. And the same time this is a more distanced song, more like a radio hit for everyone. It’s a nice end credit for an episode or an indie movie. Do you aim to have a placement?

stezzylaflamealbumcoverSteezyLaFlame: Funny you say that, It was played in different clubs in Chicago and it’s also been in a latin radio before! I want more exposure for the song, so I’m thinking a music video would be coming very soon. It absolutely has potential to have a placement, and we’re going to work harder for it to be heard my many more. I love to see people listening to that song at parties and blasting it in their car. If these people can vibe to it, than the rest of the world can.

Music Authentic: Compared to “God Sent Him”, your 2019 album, your new songs are way less explicit and much calmer. Is it a part of your evolution or a deliberate choice to reach a wider audience?

SteezyLaFlame: When I released “God Sent Him” back in 2019, I was still lost. I didn’t care about my music as much as I do now. Now there’s way more to it. The fact that I’ve saved many of my fans’ lives through the music that I create give me more of a motivation to keep it going and become better. I honestly cringe when I hear some of my old songs, Its just not me anymore.

Music Authentic: The last one and half years was a nightmare and shock for the most of us and many feel life changed for them now. How did this time affect you, do you feel “different”?

SteezyLaFlame: The pandemic was honestly a nightmare but at the same time it healed me. Being isolated from everyone and inside your thoughts can change you. I stayed at the house and worked on my craft, and worked on improving my flow and how to execute different songs. This gave me even more motivation to work harder on my music, and it’s showing now. I have songs ready to release because I worked on them the whole pandemic.

Music Authentic: How hopeful are you these days? Your new EP is very positive. Are you?

SteezyLaFlame: Oh Yea, I’m a sweetheart. I’m very nice to people once they get to know me and that shocks everyone probably because I have a mean face and I intimidate a lot of people. But No, I’m very nice!

Music Authentic: With whom would you like to have a duet with the most?

SteezyLaFlame: It’d be fire to collab with a couple of different artists. Travis, Big Sean, Vic Mensa, Don Toliver. My role models who I look up to the most in the music Industry.

Music Authentic: If an aspiring, upcoming artist asked you what would be the greatest advice you learnt throughout the years?

SteezyLaFlame: To keep on going and never give up even when people are thowing hate at you. I’ve received more love than hate because of the impact i’m doing with my music. No matter what It is, I’ll keep on pushing through no matter what anybody says about me. It led me where I’m at now.

Music Authentic: What do you think the role of music nowadays is? It used to be a main power, sound of the unheard beside the entertainment. Now, when algorithms and AIs decide, when the masses are more numb than thinking and acting upon, can any song transform people’s life?

SteezyLaFlame: Honestly, artists are making a lot of songs that end up trending on social media. As sad as it sounds, a lot of really good artists who have great lyrics and amazing music are getting overlooked on by artists who are making tiktok songs and creating trends with it. I mean hey, good for them. Sometimes I wish it was easier to get exposure like that with the type of music I make but I know very soon my sound will be heard.

Music Authentic: Let’s have some fun! Would you make a music video for one of your love song in Elon Musk’s rocket towards the Mars?

SteezyLaFlame: Elon Musk’s rocket towards mars? Man that would be so dope! We’d have a whole party in the rocket too. I’ll invite All the girls I ever had a thing with and bring my new girls too.

Music Authentic: Coming back to Earth: who are your real heroes?

SteezyLaFlame:I would say my whole family. They get excited when I talk about my journey in the music industry and it gets me even more sentimental that they genuinely care about it. My family always asks me when I’m releasing new music, so they’re definitely my number one fans. Matter of fact, my whole fanbase are the real heroes. They literally keep me going, and if it weren’t for all of them I would not be here at all. There’s something about them looking up to me that gets me in my feelings. I wish I’d have a personal connection with my role models in the music industry like they do with me. That’s why everytime one of them reaches out to me I’m there. These artists now a days dont really care for their fanbase but that’s not me.

Music Authentic: Alicia Keys, Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift are calling you the same day for a collaboration. To whom of them would you say yes?

SteezyLaFlame: Alicia Keys 100%. She is so pretty so I might get nervous around her. It’ll be a good song though.

Music Authentic: What are the most important and necessary things to make it, to make it big?

SteezyLaFlame: Faith, loyalty, commitment. A lot of people give up. I’ve almost gave up. you know when you’re doing something right when you look back a year ago and you’re in a better position now. Last year at this time I was going through so much and was barely getting my music heard but now I have fans in different parts of the country and world. 2 years ago this wasn’t the case. I just had faith in myself and was committed to becoming bigger and bigger no matter what.

Music Authentic: At last, what message would you like to encourage your readers and fans with?

SteezyLaFlame:The flames will never die out they’ll only get bigger. There is no way that I’m stopping now. I am really excited to share new music with all of you, and I’m happy you’re here for it. Get ready for this summer. I got a lot of things in store for you…

Music Authentic: Wishing you lots of listeners for new album, “King of the Demons”, hope to talk to you soon!

SteezyLaFlame: Thanks for having me! It’s a pleasure.

Say Hello and listen to SteezyLaFlame on his:


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