Euphemia Rise is a unique, rising musical entity with thought-provoking topics and musical themes rooted both in the hero-era of rock and postmodern pop. The visually engaging atmosphere in the latest music video, “Surviving the Dreams” raised the bar for Euphemia Rise for the new album, “Born a Cow”. We took the time to get to know more the artist, the thoughts and the music behind. So, be brave to read on!
And while you are at it, listen to “Surviving the Dreams” by Euphemia Rise, it’s a good one!
Music Authentic: Welcome to Music Authentic! Let’s begin with our site-traditional question: How did you sleep last night? After watching “Surviving the Dreams” I would say nightmarish… ☺
Euphemia Rise: Very well, thank you. I don’t often have nightmares and sleep well (and long) in general. Probably because of drinking “night time” herbal teas all day long 🙂
Music Authentic: This music video is pretty much about the taboos in society. Have you ever experienced that there are “taboos” even inside, in our own construct?
Euphemia Rise: There are taboos everywhere, in society, music industry, among peers/friends. I have experienced lots of times within friendships there are taboos, things you just can’t talk about, that would ruin the friendship. But today we live in a strange society, that is free but at the same time puritan, certainly on the internet, all the nudity and profanity censorship, the seriousness and political correctness. It’s a bit suffocating, often you have to think before speaking “will this not offend this kind of person, or this another kind of person…” It’s like we are brainwashed to think like that, and it’s about time we resist and stop these unhealthy habits.
Music Authentic: It’s the first full music video by Euphemia Rise from the debut album. “Come to the Other Side” is probably for a much wider audience, with a hint of Placebo. Why start with the heavy topic, is it a statement?
Euphemia Rise: I chose Surviving the Dreams as a first “videosingle” because I felt the song was both catchy and powerful, and I love the simple and honest lyrics. But Come to the Other Side is also a good song with strong lyrics and emotion. I much love the finale with the “so many things to hate” lyrics. So I surely want to make a video for it too.
Music Authentic: The song “Matthew 16:26” sounds like an open criticism towards the hedonistic nonsense of the modern West. Will it be different in our lifetime?
Euphemia Rise: It’s not at all a criticism. The song is about prostitution to fund drug use and partying. At that time the purpose was to have fun, and to explore sexuality, to experiment. The song also talks about the dangers of this, about creeps and sexual predators. But going to the supermarket also has its dangers. What is worse? Being raped, or being run over by a car? I don’t think hedonism is per se nonsense or evil. It can be something beautiful, and it can be something superficial and stupid, it depends on each individual.
Music Authentic: Let’s go back to the origins. You’ve been an artist earlier, too. Is this now a rebirth or awakening?
Euphemia Rise: I keep evolving as an artist, always seeking new horizons. But the last years have definitely been a rebirth of songwriting. When I started my first project, around 2009, there was a strong post-music and experimental fashion. Then after 2012 I found this scene increasingly burned out and uncreative. So I started listening to the music of my teenage years again, mostly Alice In Chains and Muse. And it felt great to write short songs with lyrics again, to get rid of all the post-music rules has been most refreshing and exciting.
Music Authentic: The themes in your songs are challenging the norms and habits. Living in the world of the daytime sleepwalkers, when numb ones prosper more if they choose wilful ignorance, when instead of self-development cancel-culture prevails; do you think it’ll be easy to be actually heard?
Euphemia Rise: That’s not my problem. I just follow my heart and write about what I like. How people react, or not react… that is their business.
Music Authentic: Obviously, it’s a blessing to be living in a western country, still, hardships and tribulations are all around. What were your hardest challenges to get there where you are now?
Euphemia Rise: I believe the demons I battled most with were the negative postpunk attitudes I picked up from friends, when I grew up. Things that were typical for the nineties: cynicism, backdated anarchism, loser attitudes. It took me a while before I realised how much I was sabotaging myself with these. I found liberation immersing myself in 60ties culture, via authors like Timothy Leary, and of course many other things. To this day the mentality of the sixties is super important to me, sort of my mental backbone.
Music Authentic: If you could travel back what message would you give to yourself?
Euphemia Rise: There are lots of quotes, or books, we wish we would have read earlier. Because we feel “if only I had known this…” But does it really work like that? Would we have listened? I like David Bowie’s “Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been.” And that’s the result of all the roads you travel, also the mistakes you make. So I would answer “no message” – because whatever the current me would say to the younger me, the younger me would probably not listen 🙂
Music Authentic: What about some fun? We are on Mars, first or second settlement and you are asked to perform. Would you bring out “Euphemia Rise” or Wim Lankriet?
Euphemia Rise: Definitely ‘Euphemia Rise’. I often fear my name is already sufficiently strange and unpronounceable for people who do not speak Dutch, let alone aliens 🙂
Music Authentic: It’s less humorous: in our reality, more than 60 000 new songs are being released for streaming services – every day. Gatekeepers are everywhere and there is an endless zero-sum game with the numbers. How can one be heard, how can one not be burnt out and dismayed after a while?
Euphemia Rise: By not thinking about those 60 000, and other things that don’t really matter. What matters is your music, and to believe in what you do, love what you do. If you care too much about numbers you get cynical, and that will be detrimental to your art. I try to see my project as just having fun and to in the first place feel really good about what I do. If you yourself are totally happy with what you do, then that makes you strong, and it massively increases your chances.
Music Authentic: The lyrics of “Farewell to Greatness” is way too up high, so deep. The music is great, too, as well as the production. Is it worthy to throw it into the hole of streaming to compete with laptop-warriors?
Euphemia Rise: I make music for people who like deep and meaningful lyrics, music that sounds like a riot. There are enough people out there who love this. It’s wonderful to see how teenagers and millennials are crazy about the 90s, 60s, rock music with guts and emotion, it gives a lot of hope for the future. But I am not strictly alternative, I also love good pop music. Some people keep complaining about pop, but I think that’s seriously backdated. For example, the gym I go to puts on mainly trap, and a few years ago this annoyed me, but today it sounds better, more unconventional and interesting. So.. I think the 20ties should be a really exciting period for music, in both pop and alternative.
Music Authentic: What is the dream, where would you like to see yourself as “Euphemia Rise” in the long run? Soundtracks? Grammy? Trending? Being a safe haven of the unheard?
Euphemia Rise: I notice my music is appreciated by all kinds of people, not only alternative fans. I am ambitious, but I also try to be happy with what I have, instead of being unhappy about what I don’t have. Because that leads to frustration, and that’s a bad state. I am patient, it has to grow slowly and steadily. I don’t seek huge success, just recognition, and that I feel my music gets what it deserves. But again, that needs time.
Music Authentic: Your debut album is also available on a limited, handmade CD-R. What’s in the package?
Euphemia Rise: There is a CD and a booklet with the lyrics, which has alternate dark and white pages and looks quite lovely. There is also inside printing, a detail that looks absolutely beautiful – I stole the idea from the package of my favourite herbal teas 🙂
Music Authentic: Now, our time has come to say goodbye, at least for now. Before we go, is there an encouraging message to your readers, sympathizers, fans?
Euphemia Rise: Don’t try to be hip, life is too short for such bullshit. Anyway you want to be and that feels great to you, that’s hip.
Music Authentic: Our team is looking forward to hear your new songs!
Say Hello and listen to Euphemia Rise on his: