“On It” is the harbinger of SC4Real’s album “Vol.1 Midnight Music” (dropping 24 December, 2021).
This chill out, downtempo radio edit single is a quasi-continuation of SC4Real’s previous “Black Magic”, “Jedi” and “The Statement”. It’s a self-defining imprint in his musical journey.
The song stands out with its aesthetic soundscape, relatable verses, well-timed breaks and smooth variations of rhythmic and arrhythmic lines. The strength of the artistic delivery brings a pulsating power; SC4Real actually thrives in the music, immersing himself as it was a live performance. He completely owns his stage, making no doubt he is the only one who can tell this story in this level. Yet, the audience can relate and find an own narrative; another positive of the songwriting. The strong presence in the reverb-created space is combined with a strong hook in the chorus. The well-mixed beats, loops and pads make the listener to listen to “On It” in a constant repeat. The synths are telling a story, creating an atmosphere suiting the rapping, in SC4Real’s definitive style; a relief in today’s musical scene.
Once again, it’s proven: less is more: the song is strengthened by the arrangement almost completely stripping off instruments and letting SC4Real reign both in the verses and the chorus.
Ultimately, “On It” is perfect for driving, radios and even certain club scenes. SC4Real chose right to herald his upcoming “Vol.1 Midnight Music” album with this single – a great promise from this rising artist.
Listen to “On It” here:
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/on-it-single/1597853476
Tidal: https://tidal.com/album/207113666
YouTube: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=cxGI1d9oH3Q&feature=share
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2rylDXHcT9NHfM7Jju1cC0?si=9_p2ThvWTGqHDeTChMxZfg
Find SC4Real here:
YouTube: https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCz6RWsbz5oir2bhtwoiO4aQ?feature=share
Tidal: https://tidal.com/artist/22281079
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/sc4real/1525846022
Twitter & Instagram: @sc4real