I’ve been reaching out to him monthly since last Spring, covering the launch of his ”Hot Damn!” EP and following him from Paris to Montreal to NYC… He’s an underground star, a brilliant songwriter, quite the style icon, and most of all nothing around him is ever boring! There’s always a sense of celebration in everything he does – you’d do laundry with him and spend the most entertaining morning! He’s always on a thin line between his self-invented alter-ego character of Van Hechter and an absolutely no-nonsense guy who is realer than real. This of course keeps us fascinated and on the edge of our seats at all times… No wonder he is also a great MC! As 2024 comes to an end I have one last date set up with him, this time at a very trendy ”boui-boui” in downtown Montreal. As usual I can’t wait!

Music Authentic: Van, what will you drink? White wine? Vodka Soda?

Van Hechter: Just sparkling water. Perrier Citron if they have it, no ice.

MA: You always say you’re an alcoholic but when I offer you a drink you refuse it? What kind of alcoholic are you??

Van: A smart one, darling! I never drink when I work, never until after a show and never unless I’ve had a minimal workout (at least 40 minutes). If one embraces a certain amount of debauchery, one must also establish rules. Otherwise it’s chaos, and I hate chaos! Plus, I don’t mind a few popped vessels and wrinkles but I do want to look as great as I can, for as long as I can…

MA: So, what’s up for you this Holiday season?

Van: Well, I just did the Christmas edition of a monthly supper club called ”Funk-a-Folies”. It was a lot of fun! I hope it grows in 2025! I love the ”Dinner with live entertainment” formula. I get to MC and fool with the crowd, I present other artists- so it’s not only about me- and all ends as a big family party! To those who live in Montreal or who plan a visit: look out for the next one!
Next big thing is Dec 31st. I host a really cool NYE party at Sky, paired with DJ David Laguer for a second year in a row- I love working with him! We have performances by the superb Moh Dafuk, Muz Emma, Daisy Dratee (name made me laugh- I like it), Demone… I’ll be counting down the last seconds of 2024. Of course I’ll sing at some point.

MA: Earlier this year you released your best album to date, then a tour was planned & canceled due to agent issues. How are you going to push the songs now?

Van: First off: thank you! It’s my very favorite too! Eryck Wyseman outdid himself in terms of melodies and production, I wrote more personal things than I had in the past. I really enjoy performing our new songs.
Yes… A tour was planned then canceled, and planned again only to get canceled a second time… I wasn’t happy, matter of fact I was furious. But in showbusiness there are big talkers who don’t deliver. My question is: ”Why the hell would someone sign contracts, engage in numerous meetings, send many emails KNOWING that they can’t deliver? Who has that much energy and time to waste?” Yet, it’s a reality I’ve often had to face. There’s a plus to this however: when you find a person who not only talks but walks, you stick to them and they become part of your close guard. And, well: I’ll just push the songs as I always have one self-booked show at a time!

MA: Let’s talk about your ”close guard” as you call it. Anything special you want to tell them during the Holiday season?

Van: I do, actually. Here it goes: ”Eryck, Chauncey Dandridge, Aty- Belle De Nuit, Ben Radcliffe: I am infinitely grateful for your loyalty and long-lasting, consistent artistic complicity. I don’t know how I got so lucky to stumble upon you. I love you as artists, as friends, also as aliens because let’s face it none of you are entirely human!”

MA: You told me once that you could be very abrupt when ending a ”rapport”…

Van: Yes. This is somewhat of a flaw, or at least a strong trait that can make me appear as ”unpleasant” from time to time: if you try to tell my how to live, if you betray me, if you steal from me (even a few pennies), or if you project your own unresolved problems on me, I will cut you off and literally erase you from my world, cold and dry. But we all need boundaries, don’t we? Just mine are as icy and I am warm.

MA: What do you want for Christmas?

Van: I’d like a deep freeze, a chesterfield and new dinette set! Can you tell I’ve been watching ”The Price Is Right Barker Era”?
No, but seriously I just want to keep doing what I’m doing. At the moment I’m fit enough to bounce from wall to wall in a night club for 6 hours straight, plus sing and MC. I don’t want it to end. I know it will at some point but each year I do bargain with Santa: ”Give me 12 more months of this crazy life I love so much – it’s all I ask. In exchange I’ll try to do good somehow”!

MA: So you lead a glamorous life but on little means, as you said during your last MTV MUSIC interview…

Van: That’s very true. It’s quite fabulous to travel in fantastic cities meeting a ton of dazzling people, creating otherwise improbable friendships. I love it! And as you know I enjoy dressing up, never repeating an outfit exactly the same twice. It’s all rather glitzy. But underground artists make a lot less than they did a few decades ago. We don’t sell albums, platforms pay little. Only superstars get wealthy. In Québec, a very talented musician named Florence K. went back to school, stating ”Music is no longer a career it’s a vocation and I’m tired of struggling”… Well, she’s dead on and I understand her! On the other hand: what is rich? Don’t happiness, passion, a life of magical moments count in the equation on one’s death bed?

MA: What’s first on your 2025 calendar?

Van: Well, if I work from 10pm to 6am at Sky on the 31st, I’ll be sleeping on the couch under a blanket near the Christmas tree for about 12 hours straight when I get home! That’s going to be my New Year’s Day!
But I do have a duet to record in early January. I won’t tell you whom with just now but I’m very excited about it. I first wrote it with a specific artist in mind but he’s overbooked so my second idea was to record it with the person who is the subject of the song. And he said yes, so I am THRILLED! Lots of people know him but don’t suspect he can sing! I love a good ”coup de théâtre”! We are looking at a Spring release.

MA: Happy Holidays, wonderful Van!

Van: My dear, it’s been an honor to speak to you monthly throughout the year. Anytime you need me: I’m there.

Van Hechter‘s useful links

Van music: https://qrfy.io/p/kW_QHaFsk8?
Montreal Sky NYE party tickets: https://www.epasslive.com/en/event-detail/bonne-annee–happy-new-year-d884


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