“Broken Memes” is the latest underground rap / hip-hop / R’n’B album with some pop-esque flairs and a fresh sound by Freeloadas about friendship, love, […]
More and more reviewers are stunned by Safe Haven‘s debut single, Barry Bandz, and indeed, it’s a fresh, energetic, positive song. However, probably the most […]
„Killing Me Slowly” is a full-fledged hip-hop, rap album with contemporary flairs by Zeke. In the era when hip-hop is the fastest evolving genre in […]
AL COIN’s latest offering, “IM SOMETHING OF AN ARTIST MYSELF,” is a standout piece of hip-hop and chill-hop that showcases the emerging artist’s vast talent […]
„Bend Over” is a melodic hip-hop song with flair for pop by Lette Weaver. „Bend Over” merits from a great sound and carefully selected instrumentation […]
Our team just talked to Shierro, the multifaceted, genre-bending LoFi artist and producer. He shared his valuable thoughts on music, creation and why this all […]